The alternative blog for cruelty free skincare, veggie food and alt/geek culture

Zuzka created by Susan Kohutova a qualified Beauty Specialist & Registered Medical Herbalist is founded on the principal of using herbs, plants and flowers in skin care and beauty to help all skin types. Susan has sensitive skin and allergies herself so all of the Zuzka products are natural and soothing.


I wish more products would bold chunky packaging like this as it’s so easy to see what the product is and which category it comes under (Botanicals is for mature skin), plus it’s easily recycled. This Zuzka Natural Beauty body butter (£24.99 for 250ml) containing organic cocoa and shea butter is incredibly rich and little bit goes a long way. Skin feels a little tacky afterward but not greasy and even the driest skin stays moisturised all day, so I’m going to be using this on my hands twice daily.

Zuzka Botanicals Body Butter  Zuzka Botanicals Body Butter


The Rosa Canina scent is absolutely beautiful – so delicate and feminine. It lasts for around an hour on the skin but is subtle enough not to clash with other products or perfumes. It actually reminds me of a scent from my childhood, which is really comforting and nostalgic :0)

This item was gifted to me for review purposes. This does not effect my opinion of the product.

Chrissie xx

50 responses to “Zuzka Natural Beauty (Botanicals) Rosa Canina Body Butter Review”

  1. Ari Avatar

    My skin overall is quite dry so this would be lovely to have! I like taking long baths then slathering myself with body butter.


    1. Manchester Flick Chick (Chrissie) Avatar

      Me to but then I find pulling on my skinny jeans afterwards is almost impossible lol


  2. Khushboo Avatar

    I love the product! It has a nice delicate color and going by your veridic it smells great, too. For me it is a winner 🙂


    1. Manchester Flick Chick (Chrissie) Avatar

      All body butters should be pretty colours, or have a colour relating to their scent me thinks :o)


  3. SimplyFashionTV Avatar

    I’m so obsessed with body butters! Don’t they just feel amazing?!

    xoxo giglove
    Andréa Christine | My Hair Story


    1. Manchester Flick Chick (Chrissie) Avatar

      and so much cheaper in the long run than just plain moisturiser.


  4. Shumaila jaffer Avatar

    I’ve never heard of the brand before but Sounds like a really great product.


    1. manchesterflickchick Avatar

      I’m glad to have found it :oD


  5. Elana Khong Avatar

    The cream look so lovely in pinkish color. Thanks for sharing such good product.


  6. leeshastarr Avatar

    I’ve never heard of Zuzka natural beauty products, I’ll have to key and eye out for them. £25 seems far too much money for me to spend on a product but if I had super sensitive skin I’d likely pay that. It does seem like you get loads of product for your money.

    GIG LOVE | The Life of Leeshastarr


    1. Manchester Flick Chick (Chrissie) Avatar

      It’s a genuinely big tub and the cream goes such a long way. Plus it’s very natural and my skin didn’t freak out even after waxing.


  7. agatapokutycka Avatar

    I love Botanicals products but I’ve never tried this butter. For now I am working my way through their skin care line 🙂


    1. manchesterflickchick Avatar

      I’d like to try some of Zuzka’s Derma Care range as that’s for redness prone skin. I think their Botanicals range will really suit me in maybe 10 years time.


  8. Isabella (Tiny Tang) Avatar

    Aww it’s nice that it has a nostalgic smell! I like the colour of it :p x
    | Life as a Petite || Fashion, Crafts & Lifestyle Blog |


    1. manchesterflickchick Avatar

      I instantly liked the colour of it – it’s a nice change.


  9. Charmyn Chan Avatar

    where did you find this product? Its always nice to try non branded products and discover new brands 😀


    1. manchesterflickchick Avatar

      I saw it on a bloggers website (can’t actually remember which one) where you can pitch brands to review products and I immediately went for this brand as their skin care is really natural and intelligent.


  10. Caity (@MoiContreLaVie) Avatar

    This sounds lovely. Such a sweet package and it looks like a great, mellow product to try out! ❤ GIGLove


    1. manchesterflickchick Avatar

      It makes me feel all cozy even though it’s winter :o)


  11. Lucy Avatar

    Never heard of this brand before. Thanks for introducing it. 🙂

    GIG Love


    1. manchesterflickchick Avatar

      I hadn’t either but I’m really glad I’ve found it :o)


  12. Nicol Wong (@yuk_lui) Avatar

    does the tacky feeling last long? i need some new creams to use for my hands


    1. manchesterflickchick Avatar

      I didn’t notice it to be honest, it was my Mum but she said it sunk in after about five minutes which I think is fair enough.


  13. Loudthinkin Avatar

    I like the cute pink packing and the soft pink colour of the cream..good that it smell great too!


    1. manchesterflickchick Avatar

      I know it’s really sweet isn’t it.


  14. claudine Avatar

    i love body butter. it’s like my most used product on my vanity!


    1. manchesterflickchick Avatar

      I even put it on my hair once! :oD


  15. Sarah Avatar

    Natural products are the best! I’m sure it smells great too! =)


  16. Beauty Blogette Avatar

    Sounds like a really great product. I’ve never heard of the brand before.


    1. manchesterflickchick Avatar

      I hadn’t and was surprised to hear they are UK based with a massive range of products :0)


  17. Mia Foo Avatar

    Never heard of this brand before, but I’m going to be shallow and say, “it’s actually pink in colour!” Haha… I don’t use body butter at all, but having the scent lingering for up to 1 hr does sound pretty nice.


    1. Manchester Flick Chick (Chrissie) Avatar

      Especially when it’s a really pretty but subtle rose scent!


  18. Donah @ SweetJellyBean Avatar

    Oh this product sounds amazing! I love body butters and use mine a lot these days – I mean the winter here is absolutely wreaking havoc on my skin and hands! Love that this is great for sensitive skin, too.

    xx Donah


    1. manchesterflickchick Avatar

      Me to with the weather here in the UK. The Botanicals range is good for mature skin (I’m only in my early 30’s) so I’m hoping my hands will end up looking a few years younger by the time that big tub is finished ;0)

      Liked by 1 person

  19. Noor Atiqah Avatar

    Seem a good product ❤ I wonder how it scent! ❤ I love body butter ❤


    1. manchesterflickchick Avatar

      It’s amazing isn’t it! :o)


  20. Rebecca Wong Avatar

    The product looks nice. I would prefer lotion over butter because I’ve always find them to be on the sticky side.



    1. manchesterflickchick Avatar

      Yeah, I know what you mean but it moisturised my skin for about 14 hours :0)


  21. Monthly Round Up – January | Manchester Flick Chick Avatar

    […] Zuzka Natural Rosa Canina Body Butter […]


  22. Kumiko Mae - beauty blogger Philippines Avatar

    Love how simplistic this brand’s packaging is. I like that! It’s very minimalist.

    Beauty Blogger Philippines – Kumiko Mae


    1. manchesterflickchick Avatar

      I know that’s what I really liked about it! You can just see exactly what it is and easily choose which range you want.


  23. anubhooti khanna Avatar

    seems a good product!! thanks for sharing your review!


    1. manchesterflickchick Avatar

      It’s lovely – thanks!


  24. christin Avatar

    Look good product. Thanks for sharing this. I wanna try it. But i dont know in korea we have this brand or not.


    1. manchesterflickchick Avatar

      They are based in the UK but I’m not sure where they ship to. They are a cruelty free company – what are the animal testing rules for products sold in Korea do you know chick?


  25. Heena Shah-Dhedhi Avatar

    Looks like a new brand. The review is really helpful Thanks for sharing. GIGLove



  26. Kylie Avatar

    nice product, great review. giglove


    1. manchesterflickchick Avatar

      It’s such a big tub I reckon it’s going to last a very long time. Thanks


      1. kylie Avatar

        I’m really glad to hear it’s going to last for a very long time.. Good for you!~


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